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Reducing waste & fighting against food waste ! - Ecotrail Paris

EcoTrail Paris develops new actions every year in order to enhance the sustainability of its events and minimize the organization’s impact on the planet.

Managing waste and paying attention to the quality of the products is one of the priorities, as well as sensitizing participants to climate issues. 

  • Reducing waste

Managing and reducing waste is probably one of the main domains in which EcoTrail is active. 

o No single-use plastic cups on aid stations! Runners can refill their bottles or eco-cups with provided water tanks. 

o Dishes used on aid stations are compostable. EcoTrail Paris also wants to ensure that no waste materials will be left on the different race sites. To this end, “Waste Pockets” are provided to the runners and every race site is entirely cleaned after the event in order to preserve the natural environment.

o Finally, all the clothes that runners left behind at the start of the race are collected and donated to a humanitarian organization


  • Fighting against food waste


Ensuring that runners will be provided with whole foods that are nutrient-dense and of high quality is very important in the context of sport events. But the quantity provided shouldn’t exceed the needs of the participants in order to reduce food waste. Thus, EcoTrail Paris pays a lot of efforts to control the quality and the quantity of the food provided on the provisioning spots. As such, 76% of the food provided is organic, local and seasonal. This enables EcoTrail Paris to offer high quality foods but also to reduce its environmental footprint, as well as supporting the activity of local producers. Finally, all the food that isn’t consumed is immediately redistributed to charities